Spirea is a flowering shrub grown as perennial in most of the climates. It thrives well under sun. It is an ornamental bushy plant and the bumblebees go crazy for these plants. The blooms are in tones of pink or white. Spirea bush will add a lot of character and beauty to your landscape.
These plants are easy to find in nurseries or can be propagated through stem cuttings. While planting make sure to give them enough space to accommodate for its mature size. It is best to plant them in spring or fall. Once established it can withstand drought to some extent and it can live long with minimal care.
Spirea will bloom profusely from late spring/ early summer. At mid summer there will be a break in flowering. Light pruning will give it a boost; to also keep the plants neat, which encourages second bloom in late summer. Adding mulch around the plant will help retain moisture. Many varieties are available in the market. Select the ones which suits you best.
Tip: One of the best perennials to attract bumblebees in your yard. This can be a great addition to the pollinator garden.
Here is an image of a bumble bee enjoying Spirea flowers on a summer day.